An analysis of the defense export approvals from the German government during the 20th legislative period and into the year 2024, offering insights into its approach to arms export policies.
The German government clarifies that currently no German companies are directly involved in nickel mining or processing operations in Indonesia. In a response to a query from the Left Group, it was confirmed that German businesses prefer sourcing raw materials through global markets instead.
The 207th session of the German Bundestag delves into significant Bundeswehr missions, focusing on the EUNAVFOR ASPIDES operation and the UNMISS peacekeeping initiative. These discussions aim to provide clarity and insights into Germany's role in international security and its strategic approaches. For instance, both missions highlight Germany's commitment to global stability and cooperation.
Germany has recorded a significant decrease in workplace accidents and fatalities in 2023, marking the lowest numbers in its history. This is highlighted in the government’s annual report on safety, work health, and incidents of occupational accidents and diseases.
The German Federal Ministry of Finance approved an additional expenditure of up to 3.2 billion euros for the citizens' income on November 8, 2024. This extraordinary funding addresses a shortfall in the allocated budget as revealed by the Ministry for Labor and Social Affairs. The allocated amount for the citizens' income had, in fact, been exhausted as of November 7, 2024.
The German CDU/CSU parliamentary group has placed the reformability of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) under scrutiny by raising a set of questions to the federal government regarding governance and oversight, especially in wake of recent geopolitical events and concerns about its association with potential extremist influence.
Die Bundesregierung plant, die Beteiligung der Bundeswehr an der EU-geführten Mission EUNAVFOR MED Irini im Mittelmeer fortzusetzen. Ziel der Mission ist es, das UN-Waffenembargo gegen Libyen durchzusetzen und die illegale Ausfuhr von Erdöl sowie das Schleusergeschäft zu bekämpfen. Bis zu 300 Soldatinnen und Soldaten sollen weiterhin eingesetzt werden.
The AfD parliamentary group seeks clarification regarding the support given to the organization "Media in Cooperation and Transition" (MiCT) under the Hannah Arendt Initiative. Their inquiry focuses on the criteria used to determine the involvement of specific regions like Afghanistan, Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, and raises questions about the treatment of various journalist groups...
Die Bundesregierung verzichtet auf eine statistische Erfassung der Visumversagungsgründe bei abgelehnten Anträgen. Stattdessen werden relevante Informationen lediglich für den Dienstgebrauch klassifiziert, um unsachgemäßen Interpretationen und möglichen internationalen Spannungen vorzubeugen. Diese Entscheidung steht im Kontext steigender Migrationsbewegungen und anhaltender globaler Krisen.
This document outlines efforts and strategies directed at fortifying the security of the brigade stationed in Lithuania. Amid rising geopolitical tensions, this initiative aims to enhance operational capabilities and maintain stability in the region. Learn more about the measures in place and what they signify for international collaborations.
The Budget Committee of the Bundestag will not be holding further discussions this week regarding the draft for the federal budget of 2025. The debates scheduled for Thursday, concerning individual items of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, as well as the Ministry of Defense, have been postponed for next week.
The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party raises a significant inquiry concerning the debt forgiven by the German government. This issue centers around the cancellation of debts owed by other nations between 2000 and 2023, highlighting the amount of more than 15.82 billion euros lent to 52 countries over this period...